Thank you so much to everyone who helped me with this decision. We are now the proud owners of a Wii

I plan to buy one game for my son and one game for my daughter, then buy a few more after christmas. I'd rather buy a few other things that aren't related to games, so I'll hold out on buying too many right away. My son's birthday is the beginning of March anyhow, so he'll probably get another game or two for his birthday, as well.
I'm so happy I finally made the decision and snagged one. Got a decent deal on it also. We got the whole console, an extra remote, an extra controller, plus the sports bundle with a total of 14 games for $360. So, not too bad. I can probably find another two games separately for about $45 a piece. So, I'm looking at only $450 for the whole shebang. Not too shabby