Originally Posted by djbaxter
Yes, that's true. On the other hand, this is only likely to happen if you have a mass mailout such as a newsletter. In that case, with a moderate to large size forum, my experience is that you will get a number of bouncebacks to click initially but you only have to do that once - in subsequent mailouts, you'll get perhaps 2 or 3 or 6 because the previous invalid email addresses will already have been "managed", as this add-on puts it.
What if a mass mailout gets me 4.000 bounced emails? Even if i spend a month clicking those links i will still have a large number of bounced emails in subsequent mailings. Although far less than otherwise, it is still too much to handle. It would be great to have a solution for this. I have been thinking about this. I am just repeating the same action over and over. There must be a way to write a script for this??