Originally Posted by Vinyljunky
Works fine for me
However, I have a dumb question
Where is the best place to show a link to cv_rss_feeds.php ?
Somebody suggested the code below, but Im not sure where to put it. <a href="$vboptions[bburl]/cv_rss_feeds.php" target="_self" title="$vboptions[hometitle] RSS Feeds"><img src="$vboptions[bburl]/images/cinvin_forum_feed_listing/rss.gif" border="0" alt="$vboptions[hometitle] RSS Feeds" /></a> As you have probabley guessed Im not a coder
It's really a question of where do you want to present the link to your visitors. Some sites, IMHO, go overboard and have an RSS link just about everywhere they can squeeze it in and others bury if RSS feeds are not considered a major item for them. At least for me personally I went with just a link in my footer template (eg:
scroll to the bottom of the page). If you come up with a spot of where you'd like the link, and whether you want a graphic link or a text link, just let me know where and I'll walk you through changing the template.
Originally Posted by Illustrious
Having an update log would be nice. I have no clue what you changed in the latest version.
Originally Posted by KW802
Check post #2 
Besides post #2 in this thread I also usually post a more detailed explanation over at CinVin and as a reply here as well.