Which do you have and why?
I've been thinking about getting my kids a game system for Christmas, but I'm totally undecided about whether I should and which game system I'd even buy.
Right now, it seems like a system plus a few games will run us around $600. Do you think any of them are worth it?
Do you have a game system? Which one do you like and why?
We had an XBox about 5 years ago, the hard drive went completely out 4 months after we bought it. I think we spent about $300 on it, plus the $$ for games. We called to see if we could return it and they said they don't accept any exchanges after either 60 or 90 days.

and they wanted $100 just to take a look at it, not including any parts or labor for fixing. So, yeah, it went in the trash and I'm still really pissed about it. I guess I SHOULD have bought the extended warranty, but live and learn, I guess. That left a sour taste in my mouth though.