Hmm, that's very strange. Are you sure you did the change correct, saved it and reuploaded downloads.php?
Yes I'm sure)
Another try, but I'm pretty sure this can't affect IE only or so:
Find in /includes/class_downloads.php:
PHP Code:
if ((strrpos($this->url, '/')+1) != strlen($this->url))
$this->url .= '/';
Replace with:
PHP Code:
if (strrpos($this->url,"/") != strlen($this->url))
$this->url .= "/";
Doesn't help.
Can you translate the error to English? My Russian isn't that good
You can't download ...s.html?do=file&id=88&act=down from [my forum url]
Impossible to open this internet url. URL is not found. Please, try later
PS i can downloads any file, uploaded not by DownloadsII, but inserrted to it as a link.
So the problem isn't in the server