Originally Posted by RS_Jelle
For the first thing, I don't think we are going to create such a feature as I think you would be on of the only persons using "chapters". We try to integrate the most requested features in the next version.
An error 500 message is a .htaccess error. I would suggest you contacting your host to ask them why it doesn't work. Maybe they've blocked it, but that's pretty strange for a normal host ...
Find in your downloads.php
PHP Code:
header("Content-Type: $ctype; name=\"".basename($filename)."\";");
Replade with
PHP Code:
header("Content-Type: $ctype");
This fixed the corruption of some zip files (also occuring only in IE), but my fear becomes true: it causes some new issues 
Please try downloading with IE6 and IE7 (before you do the file edit). I would like to know which versions it affects etc (and try some different files: not only zip files for example).
The problem is onlu with IE6, i dont know about any other IE. But in opera and FF averything is OK.
All files are affected. Not only zip