Originally Posted by Mecho
they r alot . i sent some of them ..
Got your PM, thanks. Looks like you're having a problem with external.php not showing you any threads and not a problem with this script. I replied to your PM with a theory of what I think is going on.
Originally Posted by Doug Nelson
I'm getting the same error that is on the demo page:
Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in /includes/vba_cmps_include_template.php on line 47
You found a bug.

If CMPS is installed on the site and the page is not being integrated with CMPS then the error occurs. The way the old CMPS 2.x & older integration worked it requires a file to be included and the method I was previously doing always included the file if it found it. Apparently it doesn't like that with CMPS 3.x so now I'm wrapping the file include inside of a conditional. I'll post an updated version this afternoon.
Originally Posted by Doug Nelson
Could we get child-forums feeding with parents? And maybe clean up tertiary forums display (sub-sub-forums)? If you can do the first, I don't need the second.
I have to admit... I have not had enough caffeine yet today so I'm not sure what you're asking for. Could you elaborate a bit?