Is this mod available? Thread watch list using AJAX
Just wondering if anyone has done this - if not, I'd like to see it. Basically you would use the same function in AJAX that lets admin alter thread titles by double clicking, for any user to add threads to a "watch list". I don't know if it should hook up with the 'subscribe' function, though that could be cool - the main thing I wanted was to be able to click something in the thread row in a forum listing and have it highlight that thread for all time with a different color background.
Basically, I just want to check a box or click a thing and have it change to yellow so I know which threads I'm keeping an eye on and can see them when they come up on new posts. As it is, I often post in threads I'm keeping an eye on just so I will get the "replied" arrow on the far left, and can use that to keep track of which threads I'm ... keeping track of.
Anything like this? Interest? I am not capable of doing this.