Originally Posted by cygy2k
Any news on when to expect the recent threads enhancement? Thanks for the most amazing mod!
Download the attachment within this post and see if its more along the lines of what you are looking for. You will need to make some simple edits to the file before you can use it tho...
Line 81. This is where you put the forumID's that you wish to pull recent threads from. In this example, I have it set to pull from 5 seperate forums. Just change the ID numbers to match the forums on your site that you wish to pull from. If you want less than 5, remove one of the or statements.. if you wish to pull from more, add another or statement.
Line 83. This is where you set the limit on the amount of threads to show. Its set at 15, change this to what ever you like.
Line 210. This is the visual output. Simply change all the paths in this block to match your site. The defaults in the example are all
NOTE: This will produce an output similar to the 3rd screen shot.