Originally Posted by Freesteyelz
Anata no nihongo o gakko desu ne? 
I don't know that much Japanese lol - I lived in Yokosuka for a couple years but didn't get out much (except to Yokohama or Tokyo - since those were the closest places) although I did go camping in Gifu. It's been 11 years since I left there and without really persuing the language as I did with Dutch or French, I retained very very little. I do understand things like Watashi wa ______ desu ka?
Originally Posted by RS_Jelle
I'm sorry, but it's "Ik spreek Nederlands" in dutch 
I said I speak it, not spell it :P
Since we are being technical on this (hehe) sprekt was used incorrectly as you pointed out - it is meant to be used as such when asking someone if they speak it "Sprekt u (je, hij, zij, haar (sp?), etc.) Nederlandse. I've always used Nederlandse with an "e" on the end but it could be because of the dialect. Ik gewooned in Middelburg (in Zeeland).
Anyways, my spelling won't be perfect lol - It's been 19 years since I lived there (there's a lot I've slowly forgotten, but a lot I will remember if I read it) Reading it and hearing it, I can understand it much better than trying to produce it on my own from remembering.