Excuse me a minute...
I don't
answer to anybody actually

I'm a volunteer staff member of
vBulletin.org, not any other Jelsoft related or owned website
I don't get paid or instructed to do anything by anyone on this site, I do so of my own free will...
Regardless of any previous grievances you may have with some members of Staff from
this forum, don't generalise... I'm not Paul, Marco or Danny, nor am I davidw or calorie, Kirk Y or Dan etc etc... I'm Chris M, my own free speaking person, and while some people may not like me, I'm not here to be liked; I'm here to do a job, and sometimes people forget that
As for bias against designers? Hah... I'm a coder with absolutely zero graphical talent... I love Designers

They can do something that I cannot, they can create a layout and image set that I can only imagine... I've just proven your theory wrong
And as for rank, I'm a lowly Master Sergeant, but I'm deadly with an M24 or SVD