i like the site but for me they should put some audio of these battles so you can listen
i never joined because all i can see is people talking about a battle with no clips of what these people are about
if you hear them you might think i can take this person (if you are into that thing) otherwise its very trickie to navigate
im not sure if i like the member info below the sig but im sure i could get used to it but i found i was looking at the wrong peoples stats because i was not sure where people started again maybe that is me being pickie because i was not used to that
other than that its a nice style very nice and allot of hard work put in that
but i would suggest in my opinion giving members a sneak preview of these mic battles maybe where the top stats is on the main page i am sure that would get people even more active, something like a 20 second snipet if you dont want to get people downloading unless they join ?
Mickie D