Originally Posted by sinisterpain
Ok guys for those of you that have been having issues with installing this mod on 3.6.2 vba 2.2.1:
I so far have got it working from a clean install, also using the vBA module on my home page. The supplied installer creates a phrasetypeid SQL error when you use the supplied installer. I used a XML file I had downloaded not sure who wrote it, and I take no credit for it. I think it was from the original hack not sure. In the zip file there is no name so I do not know who created it, but it installs perfectly at least for me it did.
Proceedure I followed is as follows:
1. Upload the files to your webserver as described by the orig installation instructions.
2. Go to your Plugin&Products in Admin cp =>Manage products=>Add/Import Product. Install the attached XML file. This will add the phrases,templates ect... "Do not use the supplied installer, donationtions_install.php". The XML file will install everything required.
3. If all went ok you should have the paypal donations added to your Admin cp. Just continue with original instructions
Ok missed the thread above the origination of the file is from Andreas https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...t=91567&page=8
Sorry guys I uploaded my edited XML with phrase changes I made the attached file is now the original sorry for that.
This post must be merged into the first post to help all the users of 3.6
it took me quite some time to find this
thanx a lot dude for this excellent hack ..

if i make a lof of money from donations i will surely send some towards ur way