please do me a favour:
on the linux commandline (if available) try the following:
ldapsearch -W -D "XXXX" -x -b YYYY -h ZZZZZZ "(uid=grahamar)"
XXXX: the FULL DN to your username (e.g. uid=grahamar,ou=bla=o=buh)
YYYY: the ldap search base
ZZZZ: the ldap server ip
1) additional questions from my side:
is the wiki doing an ldapbind or is it comparing the hash values of the password?
2) are you sure you did all changes to the vbulletin php files as written in the INSTALL file?
PHP Code:
to check that, add in the debug controller file below line 63
PHP Code:
// bind to the ldap server with specified credentials (dn, password)
the following piece of code:
PHP Code:
if(defined('LDDEBUG')) {
$pass = $vbulletin->GPC['vb_login_password'];
wrlog("++ your password is:\t $pass");
i dont have an working vb installation at home, but that should do fine. now if you login, you should see your password in plaintext in the debug output file. if this is not your password, please check all the installation steps.