Originally Posted by Paul M
In the edit history, when you click on the delete option it pops up a message asking you if you are sure, however, when you click on restore, it just goes ahead and restores the post - it would be better if this option was consistant with the delete option (i.e. pops up an "are you sure" confirmation).
Restoring creates a new entry to the edit history (if I remember right) so it's always possible to undo a restore operation. That's why there should be no confirmation dialog, because it would only decrease the usability/effectiveness.
And in any case, the benefit of all confirmation dialogs is questionable, because the users will quickly learn to click the confirmation dialog as a reflex, without thinking about it, which means that the confirmation dialog adds one more unnecessary button press but does not prevent the users from accidentally deleting stuff (for example on Windows, deleting a file is a key combination "Shift+Delete, Enter" and the confirmatin dialog is pointless because the user instinctively always presses Enter before stopping to think about the dialog). It's always better to allow some way to undo the action in the rare case of an accidental button press.