Just installed... (not in a production environment yet.. ) and I must say.. very nice..
If I may I have a few suggestions to make at first sight..(maybe they have been done before, but i didnt have time to look through all the posts..)
1. obvious todos..
WOL locations to avoid outputs like: Unknown Location /babelart/forums/vbay.php?do=myvbay&go=auctions @ 10:42 AM
b) i tried to find a place where i could
edit the images.. (replace an image in my auction), but maybe i'm blind
the image thumbnail output is very ugly for images that are portrait (vs. landscape) that are higher than wide.. in this case it would be better to have no width and hight tags at all.. (if you are interested.. i'm just rewriting the upload code for vbgallery.. there are some resizing code snippets that surely could be used...)
check your pm.. just sent you a new vbaytn.php using gd2 instead of gd1 and correcting the display probs...
NB: as for the todo of the seller feedback.. why not simply create an interface for the existing itrader add-on.. it is very flexible and has lots of features (display in profile etc.. etc..) and would save ressources..
2. confusing settings
I didnt find anyplace where i could set
permissions for viewing the auctions..
example.. registered user.. has to input his streetadress just to view what is for sale????
or a guest user should be able to browse the auctions.. if he sees something interesting he can then register.. (personally I would never register at for example ebay just to be able to see what is for sale)
for the moment.. as a guest i get the message:
you must register to access the vbay system... and as a buyer (registered user just looking around) I always get prompted to fill in information that just a seller.. or real buyer should have to fill in.. but i am a simple user.. just wanting to see what is for sale...
3. my wishlist
Phrasing.. phrasing and phrasing..
As i run a multilanguage site... it would be nice if: the vbay
site title, the
main message, the
category titles and the helppart would be
phrased the way the vbulltetin integrated customfields are phrased.. (title and description) i.e. when the field is created... the title of the field is inserted as a customphrase with the fieldname. When it is edited in the interface it is called
$vbphrase[$fieldname]. But as admin i can also go to phrasemanager and add translations.. so that when a user switches for example to chinese language.. the title of the category will also be in chinese.. or in english if he switches to english.. that would really be coool
this is to be taken as ideas for future...
Nevertheless i must say I am
very impressed by what has been done in last couple of weeks..