Originally Posted by Shelley_c
No. I am referring to an area for anyone to request images (mainly for their vbulletin boards) which is a free requesting area. This area would not be for requesting images that are found in the vbulletin.org database because the images located in that area are pre-made. requests here would be for images that could range from forum icons to logos, signatures and so forth. Or maybe an image that someone specifically wants to complement a certain style.
For example, I don't like a set of buttons that a styler implemented on a style so I would post a request (all free) for a set of buttons whilst filling out all the info so someone can come along and fill my request.
I suppose you could expand this to style requests though I doubt many people will have the time to create full blown styles and I doubt this would work out in the long term. Keep it simple, with image requests were members can request for images like buttons, icons signatures etc and before long the area will become very populour, self sustaining and require minimal moderation by the staff because I feel that many designers would be happy to help out and fill requests.
edit; At this time members cannot post for requests in the image database (and I feel they never should) because this is primarly a release area and people basically get what contributors post.
I think that's what he said. Modification Not Available is for free modification requests and ideas... and I'm assuming this would be for free image requests and ideas. Except maybe more like a mix of the modification not available forum and the requests for paid services forum.