Looking for a programmer with extensive knowledge of vbulletin code to re-write said program to emulate as much as possible the 'Prospero' discussion boards.
For example of a Prospero board, go to here
Pay particular attention to the 'show messages' aspect, [you must register to get the full impact of this feature]. The numbering system employed is also of importance. This is what I am looking at ...
(4 of 55)
5057.4 in reply to 5057.3
A response ASAP would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
Note: I am not referring to the visual aspects of 'Prosperos' boards, but rather the interactive programming features ... I refer to it as 'Poster Specific Targeting' ... it allows for a true interactive discussion board format as opposed to a 'bulletin' or 'message' board format such as this format is constructed.
With the Prospero board system, I can easily go to 'show discussions' and click on 'show unread messages to me' ... this is possible because all postings are directed to specific posters. This system takes a typical message board and turns it into a true 'discussion' board by allowing members to better interact among each other.
The vBulletin system currently allows only for a generic notification system, meaning I am notified when someone posts to a thread I am subscribed to. But this forces me to go through every posting to seek out who may have replied to something I posted.
There are many other aspects of the 'Prospero' program that lends to it a superior capability over that of vBulletin.
Prospero wants $8,000 per month to use their program. That in itself should say something to any of you interested in helping me re-write the vBulletin code.
By the way, after literally months of research looking for 'boards' to compete will 'Prospero', vBulletin was by far the best of the best out their. Vbulletin has many features that Prospero lacks ... combining the best of both would result in a novel and unique board.