Originally Posted by gldtn
In my gallery I only have one main category and the rest is all sub-cats which works fine with what I added to the code since I hard coded in the popup options?data dir to /files/1 cause I can't get the code to count the different dirs within it. So if you have multiple Main Cats this would problem still show up with images as they weren't there since it's looking in the wrong dir.
Does anyone have a fix for this? Everything else works fine 
I am not sure if this will help, I have a new forum set-up and only a few pictures. BUT, I used the Geek Gallery pop-up before and compared files.
Around line 177 the following was commented it out:
$folderstring .= '/' . $uid;
I just removed the comment and my categories worked fine.
I hope this helps.
PS: VB 3.68 & vBa 2.3