Could someone Please explain how to get this actually working I have uploaded all the files CHMOD 777 the vbmailer_uploads folder Imported the XML
And Get a Blank Page when I go to VbMailer In the AdminCP
I looked iin the manual and saw there was some manual adjusting to do in the vbmailer_config.php but I am a noob when it comes to mail settings
If possible could someone point me in the right direction I would really like to get this working so i could try it out and see if I would like to buy the full version
//What is the site/forums' URL (NO TRAILING SLASH!)
$vbmailer['siteurl'] = "";
//Site path (required for attachments)
$vbmailer['sitepath'] = "/home/yoursite/public_html/forums";
//What should vbMailer use to send out emails?
//mail, sendmail or smtp (CASE SENSITIVE!)
//If you supply smtp, please supply the information below
//If you supply sendmail, please supply your sendmail path below
$vbmailer['mailwith'] = "smtp"; //Send emails with
$vbmailer['smtphost'] = ""; //SMTP Host
$vbmailer['smtpuser'] = ""; //SMTP Username
$vbmailer['smtppass'] = "hackerpass"; //SMTP Password
$vbmailer['sendmailpath'] = ""; //Sendmail path
//When vbMailer sends out emails, who should they be from?
$vbmailer['fromemail'] = ""; //Email they are from
$vbmailer['fromname'] = "Your Forums"; //Name they are from
//When vbMailer sends out emails, what signatures should be sent
//Leave empty for defaults
$vbmailer['textemailsig'] = "";
$vbmailer['htmlemailsig'] = "";
//When vbMailer sends a PM, who is it from (username)
//This should generally be set to the admin's username
$vbmailer['pmsfrom'] = "admin";