Originally Posted by maidos
i raised the php memory to 500mb but i still failed to import 5 files
this is what i have in my htaccess
php_value upload_max_filesize 600M
php_value post_max_size 600M
php_value max_execution_time 600
php_value max_input_time 100
and can you please see about the issue error files not found, since it works fine after few attempts
there are 2 error showing up, error file down and error file not found, but like i said it works if ppl try it some more times, i think theres oissue with download delay aswell, if im at the download page and right click and go to new tabs, I opened a new page within the download time limit thing and it will telll me to slow down even if i ddidnt download anything
also regarding about the download delay it seems when one guest download the second guest ahve to wait x seconds because the first user downloaded already....
so if i have file striction will it be the same aswell, if one member download one file of 50 files the second member can only download 49 files left???
Try uploading one of those files to AdminCP -> Maintenance -> Diagnostics -> Upload
Normally it should give a "No errors occurred while opening the uploaded file for reading." message if it works. If it doesn't work it's clearly not a DownloadsII problem, but a general PHP (or something else) configuration problem.
I can confirm the guest problem on your site, but I also tested it on my own testsite and it works fine :s
Any other people to confirm this problem?
I can confirm the category problem for that file, but again I can't find any problems on my own testsite. Although I can fix it on your site by creating the missing category manually inside your database, but then I need phpMyAdmin access or something similar.
Originally Posted by Smooth Adam
Also, how can I let users sort by Rating? Ratings over all the files and in a certain category.
There's a Files Sorting dropdown menu at the bottom of the category view. That's one of the options it contains.
Originally Posted by Artes_Marciales
The most important for my in a nest version
is to be able to choose that you cut they can download files for groups.
I want the registered users to download files but not of all the categories,
the same thing with the invited users, I want them to download files of some categories.
I would love that detail with the permits for groups and categories.
Kind Regards!
You can control category access using the usergroup permissions. You can grant/deny access by listing the category id's and choosing the grant or deny option.
@All: version 5.0.6 is coming soon with some bugfixes.