I had this problem a while ago.. For some reason my IMG bbcode just decided to die.
So I had to create a custom one.
What you do is go to the Admin CP,
Click on "Add New BB Code" under the Custom BB Codes category
In title, name it "Image" without quotes
in tag, put "img" without quotes
In Replacement, put "<img src="{param}" border="0">" without quotes
in example, put "[img]Link to image here[/img]" without quotes
Put what you want in description
Use Option no
The img button is already there so leave that blank
Click save
New images that are posted should now work. The old ones that didn't work before you did this might not work.
Also, remember that the img tag is usually [img] not <img>... so if they are not using [img] then that could be a problem.