Originally Posted by flypaper
Okay, I think I found a bug...
Here is the message I got from my user
I confirmed that he indeed 'lost' the money. What can I/we do?
edit: And although I don't have moderation enabled, I checked there and no deposits are there.
yes there is a bug in 1.4rc1 concerning multiple loans and savings. its fixed in final. for now you can disable savings and loans or advice/limit only 1 at a time.
Originally Posted by TamCaVBoy3
i installed vBCredits v1.4rc1 and i bought the donations for points and sell posts for points and it's not working...do the addons only compatible with v1.3? my users can sell a post but no one can buy it...even the users got enough points...
whats not working? talk to me via PM or in their respective threads at vbcredits.com
Originally Posted by taydu
great hack i'm loving it.
But how to make "donation" to work, filled in recepient, comment, and amount then click "Donate" but then it said "Invalid Specified"
which version are you using? 1.3 is a bit picky with that
Originally Posted by TamCaVBoy3
i bought the "sell topics for points" and i installed vbcredits v1.4 rc1...and the addon doesn't work...users can sell the topics but others can not buy it even though they have enough points...does the addon only work for v1.3 ??
i dont have a sell topics for points addon - its sell CONTENT for points. with charge bbcode tags.
again, please keep pro-addon discussion/problems in their respective addon threads at vbcredits.com
Originally Posted by maxicep
i upgraded 1.3 to 1.4rc1 and be carefull ! i didnt see any credit on my forum
i did uploaded all files overwritten also i made all template changes and plugin, product is active but it has a BUG .
someone talking about it on vbcredits.com too. We didnt see anything then i re upload v1.3 , and system crashed. I did re-dumped my backup database and problem fixed .
Need wait 1.4 full or NOT !
never downgrade, will cause more problems for you when you reupgrade (or upgrade to something higher in the future).
instead come talk to me and ill help fix it. 9 times out of 10 it was caused by settings you didnt realize were keeping things hidden. theres many settings which you are instructed to look over, and i can bet that you accidentally had admin usergroup locked when you upgraded, and now youve made it harder on yourself and youll definately require my assistance to upgrade properly again. i have a support ticket tracker on vbcredits.com for precisely these kinds of things (so we can keep track of what gets completed and only relevent posts etc)