Originally Posted by sandt38
Whenever someone folds they are not afforded the ability to click ready on the next hand. After they skip 1 hand, the button becomes available again... Any thoughts? I had no errors like that before installing v .50.
None off hand, but I'll look into that.
Originally Posted by towermatt
I have the same on my site--Andrew is trying to figure out what the problem which I am sure will be a solve for everyone.
I think your problem is pretty unique, this looks to be different :lol:
Originally Posted by ry215
Andrew, after installing the .50, my players are complaining about the Let Em Ride. I checked the game out myself and confirmed that the pay system is now incorrect. For example: I bet 10, had a high pair so I raised 2x. The system took 30 out of my account, but at the end only give me back 30. Therefore, my account:
100 - 30 (bet) + 30 (won) = 100. (why even out when you had a high pair in Let EM Ride?)
In real life, the dealer did not take your money during the game, therefore if you have a high pair (no brainer), you should won up to the amount that you had put out.
30 on the table are yours + 30 paid from the dealer = 60 ----> you'll have 130 in your account.
Actually, the way it is now is correct, high pairs are a break even hand. Having it set the other way is the cause for some of the comments about members on get rich quick plans in the last couple pages