Originally Posted by Inferno Tech
We even had an extremely prominent staff member say he was having some problems, and ask if he should post for help, or just not bother and uninstall it! This is meant to be an advanced coder, who won't even take the time to debug errors he is having, instead threatening to uninstall unless someone does it for him.
Perhaps you should check you own attitude before casting stones about others. Just because I happen to be a staff member, or write my own modifications, does not mean I should have to debug every other modification I happen to try out or use. You may have lots of free time, I don't. The facts are that
you posted that the modification was
unsupported, so I quite reasonably asked if I should post the issues I encounted or just move on. There is no point in me posting issues if you are going to ignore them.
As far as activity is concerned, it really depends on how you measure it - something like 2,500 members log in every day, and over 150 new members join every day - hardly a sign of inactivity. As far as new modifications are concerned, it would be impossible to keep up a constant stream of new releases, so many extra features that people want are already provided by existing modifications. Members cannot come up with a never ending supply of new ideas. Most of the requests I read these days are either for very obscure custom features that would almost only be of use to the requestor - or are for massive changes that would take someone a great deal of time and effort to write.