Originally Posted by AndrewD
I'm surprised by that error - as far as I can tell from the code, it should say Cannot access/create directory /files/uploads [/home/server/public/files/uploads]
try doing it in several steps. clear the upload_dir field and submit. then clear the local_file_root and local_file_root_prefix settings and submit. then reset the local_file_root and local_file_root_prefix settings the way you want them. then reset upload_dir.
Are you sure that your upload_dir is where you think it is, i.e. a subdirectory of /home/server/public?
Oh, i translated the first, i was using spanish
Well, there is nothing set on my local_file_root and local_file_root_prefix, still, i modified them, save and tried again.
The following setting(s) are invalid
upload_dir : /files/uploads
Cannot access/create directory /files/uploads [/home/myserver/public_html/files/uploads]
Not saving the path, i even tried to set it directly with phpmyadmin, but i get the same result if i try to change something in the configuration.
Thanks Andrew