Thanks a ton! I've managed to get $inpoker to work in Photoplog, vBadvanced pages and ibProArcade pages. I did not think about using the variable options for the first two.
1. Instructions for vBadvanced:
Admin CP --> vBa CMPS --> Default Settings --> Main Options --> "Portal Output Global Variables" add:
2. Instructions for Photoplog:
Admin CP --> Photoplog Pro --> General Settings --> PhotoPlog Pro General Settings --> Global Variables and add:
3. Instructions for ibProArcade:
In FTP go to arcade/functions/functions.php and find:
global $header, $vbphrase, $vboptions, $stylevar, $headinclude, $bbuserinfo, $session, $show, $pmbox;
And replace it with:
global $header, $vbphrase, $vboptions, $stylevar, $headinclude, $bbuserinfo, $session, $show, $pmbox, $inpoker;
Thanks again, Mark. :up: