Originally Posted by teedizz
I think I have it solved, but I don't use the vbcredits mod so I won't be sure until I post it and get some feedback.
Originally Posted by teedizz
also, if i want to makethe background of $inpoker transparent, how would I edit this code to make it do so?
Thanks again and sorry to bug you..lol
Try this:
$pokertimeout = time() - 30;
$result = $db->query_read("SELECT count(userid) AS np FROM casino_texasholdem_whoisin WHERE lastcheck > $pokertimeout");
$row = $db->fetch_array($result);
$np = $row[np];
if($np > 0)
$inpoker = "
<table style='width:100%;'>
There are currently $np users playing Texas Holdem. Click <a href='casino.php?do=texasholdem'>here</a> to join them.