I just found out (during translation) that when we are on page
Who Viewed This Thread (misc.php?do=viewwr&t=12345)
if I click on "
Member" colum I will transfered to page
List of Threads Viewed by : Makc666 (misc.php?do=wrviews&u=123)
If I was not making a translation I think 90% I will never find it.
Why not to change this one:
<phrase name="member" date="1159000000" username="Paul M" version="3.25"><![CDATA[Member]]></phrase>
To something like:
<phrase name="member" date="1159000000" username="Paul M" version="3.25"><![CDATA[Member (click on user name to see more)]]></phrase>
A better variant to add
Attachment 71351 to the right of usernames.
Will look like:
Makc666 Attachment 71351
Or another better variant to
add one more colum to the left of users' names.
Visual it will look better and more understandable