Originally Posted by yinyang
First off, thank you for a most wonderful mod.
I would like to put the menu descriptions on the top (when it is hovered) rather than the current bottom. How would I do that?
Thank you! As for the text.. on top, you need to change it to dock container 2.. i will be more detailed if you need me to be, but can't right now i'm in a rush sorry
Originally Posted by Adam21
Strange,this mod interferes with my site's AJAX Quick edit in posts.Anyone has this similiar problem?
strange my quick editor is working normally... try using it without the menu installed.. then again with it installed.. just to make sure its this mod causing it
Originally Posted by Konstantinos
i got a similar problem with mod AJAX mood manager
Mine's working fine... are you sure it's this mod.. try uninstalling and using mood manager then reinstalling and using mood manager
As for everyone else.. i will have a little time this afternoon to answer other questions in more detail... so i will try and answer as many questions as i can today
as i said before, i will be unavailable most of this upcoming week due to college midterm exams
Thanks to those of you helping out with the support and debugging, i really do appreciate it...