sorry for my english but i am spanish
i have a problem during installation.
i complete step 3 where i edit the files:
1. Files that need to be edited:
- /showthread.php (Display prefix in 'Similar Threads')
- /clientscript/vbulletin_textedit.js (JavaScript error message if no prefix was selected)
- /includes/class_dm_threadpost.php (Prefix within emails to moderators)
- /includes/functions_databuild.php (Update prefix in column 'Last Post' for mod functions)
- /includes/functions_online.php (Display prefix in 'Who's online')
buy in step 4, where i edit the template files, the first
1. Edit the Template: editpost
1) Find this code:
but i dont found this line in my editpost.
Y have a vbulletin 3.6.8 and the theme y default and y dont make other modificains in the vbulletin, this is first modification.
Can you help me?