Originally Posted by MiahBeSmokin420
ok look i tried that
it worked and made the second one apear
its not in the footer
so what im going to attempt to do is this
im going to redownload that whole thing
then im going to recode it with diffrent words mostlikly just changing afm to mfa or something
then im going to reinstall it and then just add it in the footer that way
seems alot easier then i will just have 2 products the same name and then ya tada
well ill let you know how it works when im done seeing as how you are the coder
but it should only take about 2 mins to do with dreamweaver so ya ima go do that peace
If you wanna do 2 menus, on navbar and footer. You must add afm codes on right place...
on header, maybe between div tags, and footer maybe can be between table tags. Its your decide, choose.
But, there was some mistake on your site, I found.
Firstly, your first fisheye menu is -where under the navbar,- compatible for footer, cause links are on top of images...
Secondary, your footer fisheye menu does not working good. Images coming big when mouse is about 200px up from menu...
So, what you must do ?
You can delete your second added menu, -mfa- and you must add $afm_menu second place like navbar and footer...
You can write first fisheye menus codes like --on right template, first menu template--
but I don't know how you can solve mouse problem, it is about "position" codes.
You will try and find...
AND I will going to solve this problems, before BecomeUnbroken (: (:
But, peacely... For us...