Originally Posted by efil
I have 3 questions:
1.for some reason I can't see the similes, in Rate/Comment.
This should depend on the LDM setting *allow_smilies*. If you've got that enabled, the smilies should display in the rate entry and the add/edit entry dialogues.
Originally Posted by efil
2. Can I change the < - > in "filmstrip" to an arrow gif or something like that?
You need to patch the links_filmstrip_bit template. I'll also make this change with the next upload (which will be a bugfix release for 2.2.8).
Originally Posted by efil
3.How can i limit the "My Recent LDM Entries" in vb profile just to the last five?
Edit the LDM plugin which is tied to the member_customfields hook, and find/edit the line $entries_to_show = 50; You're right - this should be configurable.