Originally Posted by rpainter
Topic wise it's great. Unique at least; must be the first board I know about the topic...
As for other things, the info bar personally annoys me, but at least the ads don't somewhat bother me in comparison (even less so with Adblock applied). It's just incredibly annoying, and stupid looking if not using Internet Explorer, seeing as that's the only browser with a similar info bar.
Need some work on the smilies. Too basic; even your avatars are more original than them! Get some nice ones to go with your avatars or the like, maybe these:
vB Code needs some more codes. I released some if it helps.
Like the gallery on the top of the main page. If you know where to get that, let me know.
Really don't know how else to improve. Maybe make the post icons and smilies like the stuff a BBQ site should have? Food related preferably, like a smily of a pig being roasted over a fire/barbeque?