Most lay the overall background in Admin CP --> Styles & Templates --> Style Manager --> Main CSS and in the first text-box area in "Body" add CSS attributes for "background":
#000000 url(path/to/background/image.gif/jpg) repeat-x top left
1) #000000 = overall background color (shown is black)
2) gif/jpg = whichever extension you're using
3) repeat-x = the image will repeat horizontally (repeat-y = vertical; repeat = both horizontal and vertical; no-repeat = image will be static)
4) top = image will start from the top of page (keep this at top)
5) left = image will start left of page (or right and center)
To change the width of from a percentage to static go to Admin CP --> Styles & Templates --> Style Manager --> StyleVars and change the "Main Table Width (pixels or percentage)" to a different number.
Percentage = 100% (make sure to add the percentage after number)
Pixel (or fixed width) = just add the number but do not add the "px" after it)
For more information for vB template stuff go to
vBulletin Manual and in the left column search box type "Color Map Reference".
Hope this helps.