Originally Posted by djyarasa
There was some problem I found.
1. Fisheye folder, javascript and style.css etc. must be in public_html but images, must be in public_html/ FORUM folder
(public_html/fisheye/js folder and iepngfix.htc and style.css)
(public_html/forum/fisheye/images/-images-.png etc.)
If they are on other local, it is not working safely (:
And, if you wanna use just bottom dock, in the templates, ajax.... afm_fisheye_menu -you must chance id to
<!--bottom dock -->
<div class="dock" id="dock2">
<div class="dock-container2">
and on afm_fisheye_stylesheet maybe you must delete this code
/* dock2 - bottom */
#dock2 {
width: 100%;
bottom: 0px;
position: absolute;
left: 0px;
/* dock2 - bottom */
#dock2 {
width: 100%;
bottom: 0px;
left: 0px;
because "position: absolute;" have some problem on the screen,
If it has not some graphy like be on screen bottom, not page bottom or codes area, you must delete it...
And BecomeUnbroken, I like your site's navigator menu (: can you give me codes? (: (:
It is not include on the alienblue thema...
ok look i tried that
it worked and made the second one apear
its not in the footer
so what im going to attempt to do is this
im going to redownload that whole thing
then im going to recode it with diffrent words mostlikly just changing afm to mfa or something
then im going to reinstall it and then just add it in the footer that way
seems alot easier then i will just have 2 products the same name and then ya tada
well ill let you know how it works when im done seeing as how you are the coder
but it should only take about 2 mins to do with dreamweaver so ya ima go do that peace