There was some problem I found.
1. Fisheye folder, javascript and style.css etc. must be in public_html but images, must be in public_html/
FORUM folder
(public_html/fisheye/js folder and and style.css)
(public_html/forum/fisheye/images/-images-.png etc.)
If they are on other local, it is not working safely (:
And, if you wanna use just bottom dock, in the templates, ajax....
afm_fisheye_menu -you must chance id to
<!--bottom dock -->
<div class="dock" id="dock2">
<div class="dock-container2">
and on
afm_fisheye_stylesheet maybe you must delete this code
/* dock2 - bottom */
#dock2 {
width: 100%;
bottom: 0px;
position: absolute;
left: 0px;
/* dock2 - bottom */
#dock2 {
width: 100%;
bottom: 0px;
left: 0px;
"position: absolute;" have some problem on the screen,
If it has not some graphy like be on screen bottom, not page bottom or codes area, you must delete it...
And BecomeUnbroken, I like your site's navigator menu (: can you give me codes? (: (:
It is not include on the alienblue thema...