I don't understand how it could have an activex error. It's a plain text file, and all it includes is the text of bira's first post in this thread, plus I added a line to the effect that bira wrote it, and I also put in the URL to this thread. There's nothing in the file itself that needs to work, unless you mean the hack itself, which doesn't include any activex stuff that I see.
Oh...and if I did indeed attach it the first time, as I remember and as you admit, but it's not there now, then someone must have removed it. Does anyone think it may have been a good or nice idea to let me know about something like that? (My board was founded mainly on the principle that if somebody screws up or does something wrong, whether intentional or not, he/she will be informed of the problem and the solution, publically if possible, so hopefully the mistake will not occur again in the future, by either the original person, or by anybody else. My board was founded on this principle to provide an alternative for disgruntled members of another high-volume message board where threads and posts mysteriously disappeared and nobody knew why, or members were banned without knowing why, etc.)