Sorry for not replying sooner but our host lost all our files and database in a server crash or somming, spent the last 2 weeks trying to get a new reliable host and rebuild the board and the last ofline backup we had and add all the hacks back and add a few more.
I cant remember off hand what the mods where but just upload the new Modlog.php file and follow instructions included to update the other php file.
it worked OK for us as i was only a super mod on our site and i showed up in the modlogs along with admins and normal mods.
Why would you want a MODLOG script that didnt log the actions of some moderators ( even if they are called Admins ).
But i spose you could add a
if not adminusergroupid then {
too only run the script if not an admin.
Im too tired and too involved elsewhere at the moment to work it out anymore thatn that for you at the moment, But shouldnt bee too hard.