Originally Posted by CamJM
Hi Andrew,
Was wondering, what template I would put code in to have a message above every entry. Or just below the entries header.
Thanks. Looking forward to testing out the update!
If you want to put something in each entry, then you have to edit one/several of the links_linkbit templates. There are several of these, depending on which layout you are using. Each of them takes the form of a table row definition, looking like this:
PHP Code:
<tr id="linkid$linkid">
<td colspan="2">
For patching the main layout, above/below the list of entries, it's the links_main template. In fact that template already has some placeholder variables, via an array variable, $includeinmain. Set one of these array elements: precat, postcat, prefeat, postfeat, prelink, postlink, prestats, poststats, e.g. using the ldm_maindisplay_end hook.