Originally Posted by hotwheels
K, they have a pretty big site, so what i did when i got to the site was, click on video's, i grabbed several different video links. Since they have xbox, ps2, ps3, i tried to set the code to play those different video trailers. I DIDN'T go any deeper into the site, since i am not a member of that site. This does seem to be working for just about every video i tried:
go to the ame cp in your admin control panel and open display. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click on "add new".
In the title space, IGN.com
In the description, IGN.com gaming videos
In the display order, 434 (or whatever number you want)
Active, set to yes
Contain, set to yes
Regular expression, insert:
Whoops, looks like my post got truncated. Well, what I had posted was thanks for this. I didn't think anyone would get around to it this quickly. Much appreciated.
It appears I can only get a default player to show up each time:
http://www.cogonline.net/showthread.php?t=49027 Always that same street fighter video, although it does get the title correct each time. I'll keep looking at the code and see if I can't figure out what's causing it on my end. It is a pretty big site. Thanks again.