The below RegEx's appear on the .ZIP, but before you import them to your Site, you must do some changes to the .XML File in order for them to work correctly and not interfere with the other RegExs above. Read below to know what to do.
* RealMedia Videos (.RM & .RAM Extensions)
* Windows Media Player Videos (.WMV Extension)
* QuickTime Videos (.MOV Extension)
* SWF Videos Files
* MP3 Files
In order to have the above RegExs work, you must do the following:
1. Right Click the .XML File and Click Edit (Open in NotePad or WordPad)
2. Look for YOUR_SITE_NAME_HERE in the Code (appears only once for each .XML)
3. Change YOUR_SITE_NAME_HERE to your site's name. (ie: If your site is http://www.talkjdm.com, then you would replace YOUR_SITE_NAME_HERE with talkjdm)
4. Save .XML and Import to your Site - Done!
I'm a little confused, above will only work if file is on my server (domain)?
What about if I want to copy a link that ends with ".mp3" or ".mov" from another server (website)?