Originally Posted by AndrewD
This is certainly possible.
I'm not entirely sure I understand this question.
- If you mean, can this hack be used to store the uploads on a different server than the one on which it is running, the answer is no. This would not be possible without implementing some sort of ftp processor.
I see, my question answered. But do you think you could possibly consider this? There is a vbhack which does this exactly onto an external server, maybe you could grab his codes and with his permission just implement the two together which i think would be an added bonus.. here it is:
Originally Posted by AndrewD
- But if you mean, can one server be used to provide managed access to files held on another server, the answer is yes. There is one warning about setting up that configuration - if the files are large/with lots of access (e.g. video, mass access to mp3s, etc) and you want to maintain security (i.e. not disclose where the files are coming from), then there is a heavy overhead in transferring everything securely between the two servers.
I see. Could i not just host a script or link the script back to my server so when the upload process takes place its going to the second server anyway? or maybe not as its still being hosted on my first server and in order for it to upload it has to go through the current server onto the second..?