Originally Posted by Brad
What "smart" person thinks: "You know I'd like to teach at a high school".
Heck the "dumb" kids were smarter than the teachers, just look how they are able to control the classroom while the teacher stands there mostly helpless to do anything about it. So you send the kid to the office, he's back in a day or three tops, and what about the other 5 people doing the same thing? Do you send them all to the office or "lab" just so they can continue to cause trouble there for the rest of the day?
On topic: If I've taken one it was so long ago that I can't remember. I've really never had a reason to take one so it isn't something I'm going out of my way to do.  IIRC anything over 120 is good right? If so some of you have some high scores.... 
Lets not generalize.

It depends on the high school.
The whole notion of IQ is pretty controversial anyways even if you have your test administered reliably. (As in... at an officially proctored testing center)
Even then most studies find that IQ is heavily subject to the law of diminishing returns. Its important to score relatively well, but there are no significant advantages between high and super-high scores. All this points to the conclusion that IQ tests are not directly measuring "intelligence" but rather are merely another test which require "intelligence" in order to score well on.