Originally Posted by baghdad4ever
thanks for updating
firstly i vote excelent to this amazing hack
now its work on my host
but there are 3 things
1-when i enter to the vbtube , there are 83 films shown in the main page
is that ok?? or not?
2- problem with arabic letter , it is appear not understandable
3- we wish you to add members category
so the members can add url video from you tube
and that is important to know the thoughts of others
1. The Videos on the first page, should be around 20 if your using featured or popular as the default page, if you've changed the default to a search or a category then it should show 12 videos a page.. Can you send me the url to your page so I can check it out?
2. I will check this, there are still some troubles with international languages.
3. I will be adding a "Favorites" feature to the next version, which will add a "My Favorites" link so you can quickly get to your faves, but will also have a "Everyones Favorites" which will show the favorites or all members (Admin will have the choice of whether the everyones favorites are anonymous or not

) So hopefully that should cover what you want.
I might also add a "We have watched" link which will show all the YouTube videos that have been viewed over the last 7 days.