Joomla + vBulletin FULL integration help
We are completely rebuilding our website using Joomla as our CMS and an existing install of vBulletin. We have been able to sync the vBulletin database with our site "membership" database, however, it's not a full 100% integration.
As an example, there are 2 seperate registration forms for users to join the site as a member, one custom one that we built, and the other through vBulletin's forum sign up area. Both will add the user to the database, but we need to have this done through one process only. We also need users to manage all of their site AND forum preferences through one interface. The problem we're having is that our programmers are not able to fully customize vBulletin to allow this.
I am wondering if there are any seasoned vBulletin/LAMP developers here who can either guide our programmers in the right direction or are available to work on this project themselves? We will pay handsomely.