Great Hack!! :up:
A little Bug I found Today While Testing it!!

When pressing the "Reset Fields" on the Register Form, causes an Error on the Code of the Pagem, causing the Image Checking System to Block on the Current Image and Identifying the Unstroduced Text as NOT CORRECT even when it matches the Frozen Image, it looks like if the Ajax Code gets affected (Error Page) and don't Reloads the Image when Introducing the New Verification Text!! When Trying to Press the Refresh Image Link the Code Shows an Error Message that Says "String Entered For Image Verification Did Not Match What Was Displayed"

The Registration Process Gets Stopped and Users Can't Complete the Registration Process!!
I've Tested it also in Your Forum ( and I get the Same Error and Registration Process Gets Stopped!!
I hope you can Fix this Bug That Stops the Registration Process!!
Thank You Very Much!! This Hacks Adds Great Visual Functionality to the Registration Checking Process, is Working Great, the Only Detail is the Bug I Previously Described!!