Hello!! Great Hack!! :up:
A Little Bug I Found: When Creating a New Sell, the "Description" is being Cut to No More Than 5 Lines, and Perhaps a Determinate Number of Characters.
I created an Auction, with Great Formatted Text in It, with IMG Tags Included, and when I Previewed it, it Only Had 5 Lines, so I lost My Effort in Creating a Long Description.
Also this Hack Don't Allows Edits of the Sells (Auctions), so I wasn't Able to Change the Description. You Should Leave an Option for Us Owners of the Forum to Edit the Sells and also an Option to Allow or Not Allow (We Should be Able to Decide) the Edits of the Sells (Auctions) by the Persons Who Created them. I'd choose to be Able to Edit My Auctions, not to have to Delete Them and Create New Ones in case of an Error Like the Trim of the Description I previously described.
One more thing: In the Closed Auctions option, you should add a Column or Include in the Link of the Name of the Category the Number of Closed Auctions; when I first visited that Link I thought that NO Auctions where Saved when Closed, so is Good for the Users to Know How Many Auctions are in Each Category, like in Home VBay where You Display the Number of Curren Opened Auctions.
My Best Regards. Great Hack. I Hope You Make the Adjustments I've Told You in this Message to Make Your hack More Flexible, and Allow Us To Decide How We'd Like To Use it.