Now I'm really confused.
I thought I'd take another look at this before I uninstalled the Limited Guest Viewing mod, so as a test, I wanted to see what happened if I turned the Limited Guest Viewing Surpression option OFF, even though I have that mod installed.
If I have the Limited Guest Viewing Surpression option ON, then my custom Welcome Headers message appears on ALL pages, including the Forum Home and also Show Thread pages. As I said in previous posts, once the guest's preset number of posts he's allowed to read is reached, the extra warning starts to appear below the Welcome Headers message on ALL pages.
If I have the Limited Guest Viewing Surpression option OFF, then my custom Welcome Headers message only appears on Forum Home page. However, when the "guest" advisory message appears, it only appears on the Show Thread pages.
Any suggestions as to what I'm doing wrong, or perhaps I don't understand what these switches are supposed to be dong?
Thanks ...