Thanks Ted....
I appreciate the response, even though this mod is listed as "unsupported" ... :up:
I'm just an old Fortran programmer, so please bear with me...
I checked for conflicting variable names that might be conflicting using search. Only found this:
vBulletin Settings Phrases Containing 'lgvon'
setting_lgvon_desc ........ Standard Phrase This option allows you to enable or disable the Guest Limited Viewing System.
setting_lgvon_title ........ Standard Phrase Enable Limited Guest Viewing
Even though both versions numbers (as mentioned previously) were showing current in the "Installed Products" display, I completely re-installed (overwrote) both mods, "Welcome Headers v4.2.2" and "Limited Guest Viewing" v1.0.6. I made sure that variables were patched into the templates as per the instructions. I do not use VBSEO.
I then enabled the "Limited Guest Viewing" v1.0.6 and logged out, reading 5 posts as an un-registered user. My custom "Welcome Headers v4.2.2" message showed fine during the first 5 (my limit set in "Limited Guest Viewing"), however, as soon as I read the 6th post, my custom "Limited Guest Viewing" v1.0.6 message showed up
below my "Welcome Headers v4.2.2" message, which continued to be displayed concurrently.
In any event, there must be something conflicting someplace, but my v3.67pl vBulletin is not a complicated installtion, so I have no idea what's happening.
"Welcome Headers" is what's important for me and since it works fine on its own, I think I'll just un-install "Limited Guest Viewing" and go from here.
Thanks for your coding and support... again, much appreciated.
If you ever want to check out what could be the problem, let me know and I'll provide you with full Admin access to view the templates, plugins etc.